Saturday, August 11, 2018

Is Disrespect Okay?

Luke 6:31 (King James Version)

31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Thomasine Bolling Hill

                It is a current trend for people to outwardly disrespect others, with no regard for their feelings, or for correct behavior. Biblical teaching and the teaching of former generations precludes this trend, however it is a lack of training that allows this trend to worm its way into current practice. Correct behavior dictates that all people should be respected, simply because they are people, regardless of whether their beliefs, nationalities, and cultures are the same. Under the guise of the premise that one must give respect to receive respect, blatant disrespect is being practiced on a daily basis, and our society excuses, and it seems sometimes, encourages it. Even children in schools, as young as kindergartners, disrespect teachers and administrators on a daily basis and it is allowed because parents allow and even encourage it, calling it the child’s right… “Freedom of speech”. In a society that is so steeped in political correctness, why is it okay to encourage moral and behavioral incorrectness?

                Respect is free, as is common sense, but, unfortunately, everyone does not have it. It is a common sense practice to respect others as one wishes to be respected. The easiest, and most fulfilling, gift that one can give to another human being is respect, regardless of that person’s station in life. All are equal in the sight of the Creator, by whatever name that Creator is referred, and all deserve respect; whether that person is a teacher, a pastor, a janitor, a homeless person on the street, a mentally disadvantaged person, Protestant, Catholic, Moslem, or Jew.

Is disrespect okay?


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